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  • Writer's pictureAlan Chang

Gear Review: Hercules Inpulse 500 – A Beginner DJ's Perspective

As I continue my journey into the world of DJing, I've come to realize the importance of having the right gear, especially as a beginner. It's like finding a travel companion who understands your pace and helps you navigate new terrains. This week, I'm diving into my experience with the Hercules Inpulse 500, a controller that's caught my eye and, more importantly, my budget. Known for its beginner-friendly nature, this piece of equipment has been an intriguing part of my DJing adventures.

First Impressions From a Beginner DJ

My first encounter with the Hercules Inpulse 500 was quite different from the usual excitement of unboxing a new gadget. I bought it second-hand, meeting the seller at a station. There I was, holding this controller in a reusable shopping bag that was slightly too small for it. This unconventional introduction added a layer of suspense to my experience.

I remember feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Buying something used was new territory for me, and the thought of possibly getting ripped off loomed in my mind. Yet, amidst these apprehensions, there was a budding excitement. The controller, though not brand new, held a promise of new beginnings in my DJ journey. It was more than just a piece of equipment; it was a step into a world I was eager to explore.

a top down view of the inpulse 500, showing all the buttons and features
inpulse 500

Pros of Hercules Inpulse 500

Ease of Use

From the outset, the Hercules Inpulse 500 made a great impression in terms of its user-friendliness. As someone still navigating the complexities of DJing, I appreciated its approachable design. The loop knob, in particular, stood out as a beginner DJ friendly feature. It allowed me to experiment with loops effortlessly, making my initial forays into mixing tracks more enjoyable and less daunting.


What really shines about the Inpulse 500 is the range of functionalities it offers to beginners. It's packed with enough features to keep you engaged and learning, without feeling overwhelmed. The effects (FX) are decent, offering a good playground to understand and manipulate sound in various ways.

Beat Match Guide For Beginner DJs

Even though I haven't extensively used it, the Beat Match Guide feature deserves a mention. For absolute beginners, this can be a game-changer. It uses lights to show which direction to adjust the jog wheel for beat alignment – a simple yet effective way to grasp one of the crucial aspects of DJing.

DJUCED Software

The accompanying DJUCED software is another aspect where the Hercules Inpulse 500 scores high. Its simplicity and intuitive design were significant in helping me understand the basics of DJ software. As a beginner, having software that complements the learning curve of the hardware is invaluable.

Physical Design

Lastly, the physical design of the Inpulse 500, particularly its legs, is a thoughtful addition. It not only helps in maintaining a better posture but also makes cable management underneath the controller much easier. These might seem like small details, but they contribute significantly to a comfortable and organized DJing experience.

Cons of Hercules Inpulse 500

FX Control

The control of effects (FX) on the Inpulse 500 presented a nuanced challenge. While there is no direct button to instantly turn off the effects, the Hercules DJUCED software offers a workaround. It allows you to macro up to three effects together and adjust the dry/wet levels, providing a way to switch them off simultaneously. However, this requires using a mouse, which is less than ideal in the middle of a live set. It interrupts the flow and tactile experience of mixing, making it a less-than-perfect solution.

Software Stability

Lastly, the DJUCED software, while user-friendly, has its own set of issues. I've experienced bugs and occasional crashes, which can disrupt the flow of a session. More frustratingly, certain settings seem to reset when reopening the app, requiring readjustment and consuming valuable time that could be spent on actual mixing.

Overall Impression and Conclusion

Reflecting on my experience with the Hercules Inpulse 500, it's clear that this controller is a solid choice for beginners stepping into the world of DJing. Despite its few drawbacks, like the dim lights and the less-than-ideal FX control, the pros significantly outweigh the cons. Its ease of use, functional design, and the helpful Beat Match Guide make it a valuable tool for those just starting out.

The DJUCED software, while occasionally buggy, is user-friendly and a good starting point for learning DJ software. And the physical design, especially the elevated legs, is a thoughtful touch for comfort and practicality.

Purchasing it second-hand and at a good price added to its value. It's been more than just a piece of equipment; it's been a learning partner. The Hercules Inpulse 500, with its blend of beginner-friendly features and room for growth, has proven to be a wise choice for my initial foray into DJing. It's a controller I'd recommend to any budding DJ looking to practice and improve their skills without being overwhelmed.

A side profile view of the inpulse 500, showing it's legs in action
inpulse 500

Thank you for reading, if anyone else has used this controller I would love to get your thoughts. That's it for now. Bye!


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